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This function calculates the Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratios (ICERs) for a set of strategies based on their costs and effects.


calculate_icers(payoffs_summary, col_names = c("cost", "utility"))



A matrix or data frame containing the summary statistics of the payoffs. It must have columns for cost and utility.


A character vector specifying the names of the columns for cost and utility. Default is c("cost", "utility").


A data frame with the following columns:

  • decision: The name of the strategy.

  • cost: The cost of the strategy.

  • utility: The effect (utility) of the strategy.

  • inc_cost: The incremental cost compared to the next less effective strategy.

  • inc_utility: The incremental effect compared to the next less effective strategy.

  • ICER: The Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio.

  • status: The dominance status of the strategy (ND = non-dominated, D = dominated, ED = extendedly dominated).


payoffs_summary <- matrix(c(100, 200, 0.5, 0.7), ncol = 2, 
                          dimnames = list(c("Strategy A", "Strategy B"), 
                                          c("cost", "utility")))
#>              decision cost utility inc_cost inc_utility ICER status
#> Strategy A Strategy A  100     0.5       NA          NA   NA     ND
#> Strategy B Strategy B  200     0.7      100         0.2  500     ND