This function runs a twig model, which currently can be either a decision tree or a Markov model.
n_cycles = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
offset_trace_cycle = 1,
ncore = NULL,
progress_bar = TRUE
- twig_obj
A twig object created by the
function.- params
A data frame or list of parameters to be used in the model.
- n_cycles
An integer specifying the number of cycles for a Markov model. Default is NULL.
- verbose
A logical value indicating whether to print detailed output. Default is FALSE.
- parallel
A logical value indicating whether to run the model in parallel. Default is FALSE.
- offset_trace_cycle
An integer specifying the offset trace cycle. Default is 1. This is used to adjust the cycle number in the trace output. If set to 0, the initial state distribution will be used as the first cycle. If set to 1, the initial state distribution will be ignored in the Markov trace. In both situations, the total number of cycles will be the same as the input n_cycles.
- ncore
An integer specifying the number of cores to use for parallel processing. Default is total number of cores - 1.
- progress_bar
A logical value indicating whether to display a progress bar. Default is TRUE.
A list containing the results of the model run. The list includes the following elements:
mean_ev A matrix of size decision x payoff containing the mean expected values (EV)s across simulations if params is a data.frame with more than 1 row.
sim_ev An array of size decision x payoff x simulation containing the simulated expected values (EV) by simulation.
The following will also be returned if verbose is TRUE for Markov models:
sim: The simulation ID. If params is a dataset, only the first simulation will be used (sim = 1).
evaluated_funs: A list of dataframes of evaluated functions. Each function returns a data frame enumerating the dependencies of the function along with the value returned by that function for each combination of values.
evaluated_prob_funs_combined: A data frame containing the evaluated probability function values for each state, cycle, decision, and event that are merged into a single dataframe.
path_event_options: A data frame of the event options along each path. Rows = paths, columns = event_options.
path_probs: A data frame containing the path probabilities for each state, cycle, and decision.
event_probs: A data frame containing the event options along each path and the destination.
markov_trans_probs: An array containing the transition probabilities for each origin state, destination state, cycle, and decision.
markov_trace: An array containing the Markov trace for each cycle, state, and decision.
cycle_payoffs: An array containing the payoffs for each cycle, state, decision, and payoff.
cycle_ev: An array containing the Expected Value (EV) for each cycle, state, decision and payoff. cycle_ev = markov_trace * cycle_payoffs.
sim_ev: A matrix of total expected values (EV) of size decision x payoffs.
mean_ev: A matrix of mean expected values (EV) across simulations. Since this is for a single simulation, mean_ev = sim_ev.
The following will also be returned if verbose is TRUE for decision trees:
sim: The simulation ID. If params is a dataset, only the first simulation will be used (sim = 1).
evaluated_funs: A list of dataframes of evaluated functions. Each function returns a data frame enumerating the dependencies of the function along with the value returned by that function for each combination of values.
evaluated_prob_funs_combined: A data frame of the probability function values evaluated by decision and events harmonized to the same combinations of decisions and events across all probability functions.
event_probs: A data frame containing the probability of event options by decision.
outcome_probs: A matrix of outcome probabilities. Outcomes are the terminal event transitions of size decision x outcomes.
path_event_options: A data frame of the event options along each path. Rows = paths, columns = events.
path_probs: A matrix containing the path probabilities of size decision x paths.
path_payoffs: An array containing the path payoffs of size decision x paths x payoffs. Paths are indexed by their final outcomes in the twig and a key to event options is provided in path_event_options.
path_ev: An array containing the path expected values (EV) = path_probs x path_payoffs. This is also of size decision x paths x payoffs.
sim_ev: A matrix of total expected values (EV) of size decision x payoffs.
mean_ev: A matrix of mean expected values (EV) across simulations. Since this is for a single simulation, mean_ev = sim_ev.
# define a Markov model twig
mytwig <- twig() +
decisions(names = c(A,B)) +
states(names = c(H,D),
init_probs = c(1,0)) +
event(name = death_event,
options = c(yes, none),
probs = c(pDie, leftover),
transitions = c(D, stay)) +
payoffs(names = c(utility))
#> Note: A states layer detected in your twig - treating Twig as a Markov model.
#> For a decision tree, make sure to remove the states layer.
# define the parameters
params <- list(prob_die = 0.1, rrA = 0.9)
# define vectorized functions
pDie <- function(decision, state, prob_die, rrA){
# prob death is 0.1 if healthy and 0 otherwise
prob_die * (state=="H") *
# multiplied by a relative risk of 0.9 if the decision is A, and 1 otherwise
rrA ^ (decision=="A")
utility <- function(state){
1 * (state=="H") # utility is 1 if healthy and 0 otherwise
# run the model for 10 cycles
run_twig(mytwig, params = params, n_cycles = 10)
#> Checking Twig syntax ....
#> Note: The following states are not included as event transitions: H
#> Twig syntax validation completed successfully.
#> Preprocessing started...
#> Error: The following function(s) are used in the twig but are not defined: pDie
# see the vignettes for more examples